Sponsors and donors
There are various ways in which you can provide financial support to Open-air museum Het Hoogeland. You can become a donor or, if you represent an organisation, a sponsor of the museum.
Become a donor
As a donor you contribute a minimum of €17.50 per year. Donors make an important contribution to maintaining the museum, and we appreciate your donation enormously. Every part of your donation goes to open-air museum Het Hoogeland. Your contribution is used to preserve and manage our collection and to organise and present exhibitions and events.
Your donor’s card offers you the following benefits:
One year free access to the museum for 2 people
Discounts for activities and events in the museum
Free access to previews and openings of exhibitions
A 10% discount in the museum shop
If you would like to become a donor, please send an email to admin@hethoogeland.com. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Become a sponsor
Open-air museum Het Hoogeland receives a structural subsidy from the Groningen Provincial Executive and from Eemsmond Council. The museum is also sponsored by a number of businesses and organisations. If your organisation or business is interested in sponsoring the museum, please send an email to directie@hethoogeland.com. We will contact you as soon as possible. The following organisations have done so already:
Alta Genetics Nederland, Feerwerd
Centrum voor Arbeid en Beleid, Groningen
Grondverzet R. Drenth v.o.f., Warffum
Groningen Seaports, Delfzijl
Handelskring Warffum, Warffum
Lions Club Het Hogeland
Makelaardij Bruintjes en Keurentjes, Winsum
Schoolbestuur L & E, Warffum
Stichting Kees Verwey, Haarlem
Tweewielers Jan van Kleef, Warffum